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الخميس، 3 نوفمبر 2016

How to PASS PMI-PBA Exam

PMI-PBA Exam which refers to Professional in Business Analysis is one of the most powerful certifications in Business analysis around the world, the course will increase and enhance your skills in Business analysis and will let you move on in your career in the management in general.

The exam is looks like the PMP exam in general, 200 questions you have to answer them, 25 of them will not be calculated in your last score, the exam duration is 4 hours and no breaks at all through the exam period.

 The main reference for Preparing to the exam is the Business Analysis for Practitioners : A practice Guide which issued by Project Management Institute PMI and contain all the required information and data to prepare yourself for passing the exam.

All of the PMI-PBA Certified recommend to study mainly from the practice guide and to follow these study by other references such as Business analysis-Global Book which is useful for understanding the main concepts in the business analysis feild.

The exam is little bit easier than PMP exam, but this does not mean that it need less efforts to be exerted in preparing it, it is expected to be more hard exam in the future sue to the large numbers who are planning or took the exam in the current year.

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