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السبت، 5 نوفمبر 2016

How to design Residential Building- Civil Engineering/ Construction (1)

 Consider a project with design procedure for a reinforced concrete building (Residetial building), consisting of four flours and a plan area of (383.0)m2. The building while the design will be divided in to its structural component.

   The chapters of this project  in part (Ι) discuss the component or the parts of the building ; i.e, ribs, beams, columns, footings and walls.

  Part (ΙΙ) of this project is about concrete water tank and its design , using working stress method to design It .

   For the design procedure in this project , The building code requirement for reinforced concrete(ACI 318-99) Used to design the whole building.

For Design & analysis of this project:

fc' = 25  Mpa
fy  = 414 Mpa

fyv = 280 Mpa

The most important characteristic of any structural member is its actual strength, which must be large enough to resist, with some margin to spare, all foreseeable loads that may act on it during the life of the structure, without failure or other distress. It is logical, therefore, to proportion members, i.e., to select concrete dimensions and reinforcement, so that member strengths are adequate to resist forces resulting from certain hypothetical overload stages, significantly above loads expected actually to occur in service. This design concept is known as strength design.

   For reinforced concrete structures at loads close to and at failure, one or both of the materials, concrete and steel, are invariably in their nonlinear inelastic range. That is, concrete in a structural member reaches its maximum strength and subsequent fracture at stresses and strains far beyond the initial elastic range in which stresses and strains are fairly proportional. Similarly, steel close to and at failure of the member is usually stressed beyond its elastic domain into and even beyond the yield region. Consequently, the nominal strength of a member must be calculated on the basis of this inelastic behavior of the materials.
        A member designed by the strength must also perform in a satisfactory way under normal service loading. For example, beam deflections must be limited to acceptable value and the number and width of flexural cracks at service loads must be controlled. Serviceability limit conditions are an important part of the total design, although attention is focused initially on the strength

    concrete is a stone-like material obtained by permitting a carefully proportioned mixture of cement, sand and gravel or other aggregate, and water to harden in forms of the shape and dimensions of the desired structure. The bulk of the material consists of fine and course aggregate. Cement and water interact chemically to bind the aggregate particles into a solid mass. Additional water, over and above that needed for this chemical reaction is necessary to gibe the mixture the workability that enables it to fill the forms and surround the embedded reinforcing steel prior to hardening, concretes in a wide range of properties can be obtained by appropriate adjustment of the proportions of the constituent materials. Special cements (such as high early strength cement), admixture (such as plasticizers, air-entraining agents, silica fume, and fly ash), and special curing methods (such as steam-curing) permit an even wider variety of properties to be obtained .

These properties depend to a very substantial degree on the proportions of the mix, on the thoroughness with which the various constituents are intermixed, and on the condition of humidity and temperature in which the mix is maintained from the moment it is placed in the forms until it is fully hardened. The process of controlling these conditions is known as curing. To protect against the unintentional production of substandard concrete, a high degree of skillful control and supervision is necessary throughout the process, from the proportioning by weight of the individual components, through mixing and placing, until the completion of curing .

  The factor that make concrete a universal building material are so pronounced that it has been used, in more primitive kinds and ways than at present, fro thousands of years, probably beginning in Egyptian antiquity. The facility with which, while plastic, it can be deposited and made to fill forms or molds of almost any practical shape is one of these factors. Its high fire and weather resistance are evident advantages. Most of the constituent materials, with the exception of cement and additives, are usually available at low cost locally or at small distances from the construction site, its compressive strength, like that of natural stones, is high, which makes it suitable for members primarily subject to compression, such as columns and arches. On the other hand, again as in natural stones, it is a relative brittle material whose tensile strength is small members that are subject to tension either entirely (such as in tie rods) or over part of their cross sections (such as in beams or other flexural members) .

  To offset this limitation, it was found possible, in the second half of the nineteenth century, to use steel with its high tensile strength to reinforce concrete, chiefly in those places where its small tensile strength would limit the carrying capacity of the member. The reinforcement, usually round steel rods with appropriate surface deformation to provide interlocking, is placed in the forms in advance of the concrete. When completely surrounded by the hardened concrete mass, it forms an integral part of the member. The resulting combination of two materials, known as reinforced concrete, combines cost, good weather and fire resistance, good compressive strength, and excellent formability of concrete and the high tensile strength and much greater ductility and toughness of steel. It is this combination that allows the almost unlimited range of uses and possibilities of reinforced concrete in the construction of buildings, bridges, dams, tanks, reservoirs, and a host of other structures.

¯   Aggregates:

     Natural aggregates are generally classified as fine and coarse, fine aggregate, or sand, is any material that will pass a No. 4 sieve, i.e., a sieve with four openings per linear inch. Material coarser than this is classified as coarse aggregate, or gravel. When favorable gradation is desired, aggregate are separated by sieving into two or three size groups of sand and several size groups of coarse aggregate. These can then be combined according to grading charts to result in a densely packed aggregate. The maximum size of coarse aggregate in reinforced concrete is governed by the requirement that it shall easily fit into the forms and between the reinforcing bars. For the purpose it should not be larger than one-fifth of the narrowest dimension of the forms of one-third of the depth of slabs, nor three-quarters of the minimum distance between reinforcing bars. Requirements for satisfactory aggregates are found in ASTM C33, “Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates,” .

¯   Cement:

   A cementations material is one that has the adhesive and cohesive properties necessary to bond inert aggregates into a solid mass of adequate strength and durability. This technologically important category of materials includes not only cements proper but also limes, asphalts, and tars as they are used in road building, and others. For making structural concrete, so-called hydraulic cements are used exclusively. Water is needed for the chemical process (hydration) in which the cement powder sets and hardens into one solid mass. Of the carious hydraulic cements that have been developed, Portland cement, which was first patented in England in 1824, is by far the most common.
  Portland cement is a finely powdered, grayish material that consists chiefly of calcium and aluminum silicates. The common raw materials from which it is made are lime-stones, which provide CaO, and clays or shale’s, which furnish SiO2 and Al2O3. These are ground, blended fused to clinkers in a kiln, cooled, and ground to the required fineness. The material is shipped in bulk or in bags containing 94 lb of cement.
Over the years, five standard types of Portland cement have been developed, Type I: normal Portland cement, is used for over 90 percent of construction in Jordan. Concretes made with Type I Portland cement generally need about two weeks to reach sufficient strength so that forms of beams and slabs can be removed and reasonable loads applied; they reach their design strength after 28 days and continue to gain strength thereafter at a decreasing rate. To speed construction when needed, high-early-strength cements such as Type III have been developed. They are costlier than ordinary Portland cement, but within about 7 to 14 days they reach the strengthmany of the advantages of each: the relatively low 

achieved using Type I at 28 days. Type III Portland cement contains the same basic compounds as Type I, but the relative proportions differ and it is ground more finely.

     When cement is mixed with water to from a soft paste, it gradually stiffens until it becomes a solid. This process is known as setting and hardening. The cement is said to have set when it has gained sufficient rigidity to support an arbitrarily defined pressure, after which it continues for a long time to harden, i.e., to gain further strength. The water in the paste dissolves material at the surfaces of the cement grains and forms a gel which gradually increases in volume and stiffness. This leads to a rapid stiffening of the paste 2 to 4 hours after water has been added to the cement. Hydration continues to proceed deeper into the cement grains, at decreasing speed, with continued stiffening and gardening of the mass. In ordinary concrete the cement is probably never completely hydrated. The gel structure of the gardened paste seems to be the chief reason for the volume changes that are caused in concrete by variations in moisture, such as the shrinkage of concrete as it dries.

¯   Admixtures:

       In addition to main components of concretes, admixtures are often used to improve concrete performance. There are admixtures to accelerate or rated setting and hardening, to improve workability, to increase strength, to improve durability, to decrease permeability, and to impart other properties. The beneficial effects of particular admixtures are well established. Chemical admixtures should meet the requirements of ASTM C494, “Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.”

      Air-entraining agents are probably the most commonly used admixtures at the present time. They cause the entrainment of air in the form of small dispersed bubbles in the concrete. These improve workability and durability (chiefly resistance to freezing and thawing), and reduce segregation during placing. They decrease concrete density because of the increased void ratio and thereby decrease strength; however, this decrease can be partially offset by a reduction of mixing water without loss of workability the chief use of air-entrained concretes is in pavements, but they are also used for structures, particularly for exposed elements.

       Accelerating admixtures are used to reduce setting time and accelerate early strength development. Calcium chloride is the most widely used accelerator because of its cost effectiveness, but it should be used with caution in prestressed concrete, or in reinforced concrete in a moist environment, because of its tendency to promote corrosion of steel.

       Set-retarding admixtures are used primarily to offset the accelerating effect of high ambient temperature and to keep the concrete workable during the entire placing period. This helps to eliminate cracking due to form deflection and also keeps concrete workable long enough that succeeding lifts can be placed without the development of “cold” joints.

     For most effective reinforcing action, it is essential that steel and concrete deform together, i.e., that there be a sufficiently strong bond between the tow materials to ensure that no relative movements of the steel bars and the surrounding concrete occur, this bond is provided by the natural roughness of the mill scale of hot-rolled reinforcing bars, and by the closely spaced rib-shaped surface deformations with which reinforcing bars are furnished in order to provide a high degree of interlocking of the two materials.

  In the history of reinforced concrete various steels were used, ranging from soft steels, with yield strength of 30Ksi (207Mpa), to hard steels of yield strength of 60 Ksi (413 Mpa).
    The elongation or strain at failure depends on the type of steel. The modulus of elasticity of steel, which is the slope of the initial strength line portion of the diagram, is constant equal to 29000Ksi (200Gpa) for all type of steel.  

Reinforcing steel is manufacturing in three forms:
Ø Plain bars
ØDeformed bars
Ø Plain deformed bars

Reinforcing steel is manufacturing in four yield levels:

1- 40 Ksi
2- 50 Ksi
3- 60 Ksi
4- 75 Ksi

      Steel is used in two different ways in concrete structures: as reinforcing steel and as prestressing steel. Reinforcing steel is placed in the forms prior to casing of the concrete. Stresses in the steel, as in the gardened concrete, are caused only by the loads on the structure, except for possible parasitic stresses from shrinkage or similar causes. In contrast, in prestressed concrete structures large tension forces are applied to the reinforcement prior to letting it act jointly wit the concrete in resisting external loads, the steel for these two uses are very different and will be discussed separately. And for prestressing steel it is used in large structures such as bridges and dams.

      Ribs are one of the major and an important structural member in the slab, this importance due to its function in carrying loads, which is the first member in the structure will carry loads and convert it to the beams which transfer it to columns, then columns dispose this loads by loading it on the foundation.

Ribs can be one-way or two-way according to slab dimension, for large and discontinuous slab spans it is recommended to use the two-way rib system which depend on transfer loads in tow directions, this means that the load value will be reduced causing the deflection to be small.

In the over side the one-way rib, the most popular system, is used when the slab spans are relatively small and there is continuity between them, the load will transfer in the direction of the ribs only (in one direction) so the deflection will be controlled by the continuity of the spans.

     Analysis of ribs & beams was by using the Prokon program, which determines the shear, max. Moments & deflections through taking all possible cases of loading (by the Automatic Envelop) to find the max. & Critical moments & shear forces.


  Ø The Loads that act on the structures can be divided into two main  categories: Dead loads & Live loads.

Dead Loads:   are constant in magnitude 7 fixed in locations through out the lifetime of the structure. Usually the major part of the dead load is the weight of the structure itself. This can be calculated with good accuracy from the design configuration, dimension of structure, & the density of the materials for buildings, floor fill, and finish floor. & plastered ceiling are usually including as dead loads.

Live Loads:   are consisting chiefly of occupancy loads in building. They may be either fully or partially in place or not presence at all & may also change in location. There magnitude & distribution at any given time are uncertain & even their maximum intensities through the lifetime of the structure are not known with precision. The minimum live loads for which the floor & roof of a building should be designed are usually specified in the building code that governs at the site of the construction.
Ø And we can mention another Category Of loads That is the Environomental load;
Environmental Loads:  Environmental load are those loads caused by environment such as snow load, wind pressure and section, earthquake loads, soil pressure on subsurface portion of structure, loads form possible pounding of rainwater on the surface and forces caused from temperature differentials.
These loads like live loads, at any given times are uncertain both in magnitude and distribution.

Ø  Minimum thickness of ribbed slab  

   Using the table 9-5.a in the ACI code that gives the minimum thickness of beam or one way slabs:

Minimum thickness, h

Simply supported
One end continuous
Both end continuous
2.1.1      Solid one-
2.1.2    Way Slab
2.1.3    Beams or Ribbed
2.1.4    One-way Slab

ÄOne end continues:  L= 4.5       H= L/18.5      H=4.5/18.5=0.243243 m
ÄSimply supported:  L= 4.93       H= L/16       H= 4.93/16= 0.308125 m

So that we use thickness for slab = 0.31m   = 31 cm

¯ Using 24cm Block+7cm slab  h=310mm

Þ No need to check deflection

Load Calculations:

¯ Dead load Calculations:
study area = (1) *(1.04) = 1.04 m2
Plaster = 1.04 * 1 * (20/10) *21       = 43.68  Kg/ 1.04 m2  
Top mat = 0.07 * 1.04* 1 * 2500    = 182 Kg/ 1.04 m2        
Sand  = 0.1 * 1.04 *1 * 1800            = 187.2   Kg/ 1.04 m2  
Mortar = 0.03 * 1.04 *1 * 2000       = 62.4 Kg/ 1.04 m2     
Tile = 1.04*50                                  = 52 Kg/ 1.04 m2     
Ribs = 0.12 * 1 *0.24 *2500*2            = 144 Kg/ 1.04 m2                
Weight of Hollow Block  = 0.15 KN            weight of (5) block = 0.75 KN 
For partitions:
Add 150 Kg/ m2                                                                                                                 
Load /m =940*0.52=488.8kg/m of rib
¯ live load Calculations:
LL= 200 Kn/ m2 …. (For Residual Rooms)    

LL=200*0.52*9.81/1000=1.04 KN/m
Design of Ribs:

         Note:   h = 310mm  d = 285 mm   bf = 520m  bw = 120mm .       
                      Ø= 0.9       f’c = 25 MPa  fy = 414 MPa   

œ  Flexural Design Procedure:

  The moments are determined by using Moment distribution and (Prokon program), which is “Prokon structural analyses”.

  The ultimate moment can be calculated by

                                where ; Ø= 0.9 .
                                    cod      &        
   Calculate the value w ( 1 – 0.59 w ) =  

 From ( w ) table and the value of w ( 1 – 0.59 w ); find w .

Find  (steel ratio) by substituting the value of w  in:

   Compare the value of   calculated in the previous step with  and 

Where ; 

but not less than  ;

   Find the steel area by using this equation:                 

   Choose an appropriate steel diameter to satisfy the steel area required.

      = 0.00337*120* 295 = 119 mm2

  For negative moment at end supports, use the following value for negative moment where the support is a beam :



œ  Shear Design Procedure:

       Shear force in rib is relatively small especially when compared with shear force in beams, which considered a large force and must be designed with care, so the rib shear reinforcement is usually be minimum (1 stirrup 8mm at 20cm). And the procedure is explained next:

     the ultimate shear force (Vu) should be less or equal the shear strength capacity (Vn), in formula:

                                                           where Vn= Vs +Vc

   According to ACI-99 code, Vc is given by the following equation :
   According to ACI-99 code, Vc,rib   shall be permitted to be 10% more than  Vc ,beam as follow:

                          Vc,rib = 1.1 Vc
   Calculate the spacing by using the formula :

     the limits of the spacing (s) according to ACI- code  is given as the smallest value of the following:



(use the smallest value)

O   if use minimum steel reinforcement for shear:1 8mm at 20cm.  


Ribs Calculations:

Design Rib # 1 ( R1)

Length of the rib ( L) =  4.55 m  , Cover = 2.5 cm = 25 mm , H = 31 Cm = 310 mm
D = H – cover   = 310 – 25 = 285 mm

Shear & Moment Diagram :

ρ min  = 1.4 / fy  = 1.4 / 414 = 0.0033816
ρ min  =  (fc  )1/2 / 4 fy   = (25  )1/2 / 4 * 414 = 0.0030193
ρ balance  = 0.85 * β (fc / fy) [ 600 / 600 + fy]
             = 0.85 * 0.85 (25 / 414) * [600 / 600 +414]
             = 0.02581611
 ρ max  = 0.75 ρ balance
           = 0.75 * 0.02581611
           = 0.019362
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )

Span (1) :

@ M +ve  = 22.0 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
22.0  * 106 / [ 0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852 ] =  0.0231497 = w ( 1 – 0.59 w
                                                                                    w = 0.0234749
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.0234749 ( 25 / 414) = 0.00141757

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
                   As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.00141757 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2   
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )


Design of Shear

Span (1)
                    =   0.85 * (25)0.5 * 120 * 285 / 6                                                                   
                       =  24.225  KN
Vu = 16.3 KN

Ü     Vu < fVc

So that we use minimum reinforcement
Assume 2-leg Ø 8 mm (Av =101 mm2)
Min reinforcement must be used (Smax)
S= 3 * Av*fyv / b 
  =3 *101 *280 / 120 = 707 mm
S=0.75d=0.75*285=213.75 mm

Ü     Use 1 f 8 / 200 mm

Design Rib # 2 ( R2 ]

Length of the rib ( L) =  4.55—4.55--4.55—4.55—4.55--4.55 m  , Cover = 2.5 Cm = 25 mm , H = 31 Cm = 310 mm
D = H – cover   = 310 – 25 = 285 mm

Shear & Moment Diagram :

Span (1) :

@ M +ve  = 15.2 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
15.2  * 106 / [ 0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852 ] =  0.0159944 = w ( 1 – 0.59 w
                                               w = 0.016148
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.016148 ( 25 / 414) = 0.000975

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2  

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )
Span (2) :

@ M +ve  = 9.47 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
9.47 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852] = 0.009964 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                              w = 0.010024219

ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.010024219 ( 25 / 414) = 0.00060533

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
          As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381* 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2   
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (3) :

@ M +ve  = 10.7 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
10.7 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852] = w (1 – 0.59 w
                w= 0.0113350
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.0113350 ( 25 / 414) = 0.0006102

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
          As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2   
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (4) :

@ M +ve  = 10.7 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
10.7 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852] = w (1 – 0.59 w
                             w= 0.0113350
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.0113350 ( 25 / 414) = 0.0006102

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2   
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (5) :

@ M +ve  = 9.47 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
9.47 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852] = 0.009964 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                          w =0.010024219

ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.010024219 ( 25 / 414) = 0.00060533

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381* 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2   

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (6) :

@ M +ve  = 15.2 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
15.2  * 106 / [ 0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852 ] =  0.0159944 = w ( 1 – 0.59 w
                                           w = 0.016148
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.016148 ( 25 / 414) = 0.000975

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6  mm2   
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Ø Negative moments :

                                                 Support (2)

@ M -ve  = 18.6 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
18.6 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.08481 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                w = 0.08954
ρw (fc / fy) = 0.08954 ( 25 / 414) = 0.0054071

     As  = 0.0054071 * 120 * 285    = 184.92 mm2  

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Support (3)

@ M -ve  = 13.3 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
13.3* 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.060645 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                                                           w = 0.06298
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.06298 ( 25 / 414) = 0.003803

     As    = 0.003803* 120 * 285    = 130.07 mm2  

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Support (4)

@ M -ve  = 14.9 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
14.9 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.0679411 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                                                           w = 0.0709075
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.0709075 ( 25 / 414) = 0.0042818

     As  = 0.0042818* 120 * 285    = 146.439 mm2  

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Support (5)

@ M -ve  = 13.3 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
13.3* 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.060645 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                                                           w = 0.06298
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.06298 ( 25 / 414) = 0.003803

      As  = 0.003803* 120 * 285    = 130.07 mm2   

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Support (6)

@ M -ve  = 18.6 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
18.6 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.08481 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                                                           w = 0.08954
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.08954 ( 25 / 414) = 0.0054071

     As  = 0.0054071 * 120 * 285    = 184.92 mm2
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Design of Shear

For all Supports
                    =   0.85 * (25)0.5 * 120 * 285 / 6                                                                   
                       =  24.225  KN
Vu = 13.4 KN

            Ü      Vu < fVc
So that we use minimum reinforcement
Assume 2-leg Ø 8 mm (Av =101 mm2)
Min reinforcement must be used (Smax)

S= 3 * Av*fyv / b 
  =3 *101 *280 / 120 = 707 mm
S=0.75d=0.75*285=213.75 mm

Ü   Use 1 f 8 / 200 mm

Design Rib # 3 ( R3 ]

Length of the rib ( L) = 4.55—4.55—2.75 m  , Cover = 2.5 Cm = 25 mm , H = 31Cm = 310 mm
D = H – cover   = 310 – 25 = 285 mm

Shear & Moment Diagram :

Span (1) :

@ M +ve  = 15.0 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
15.0 * 106 / [ 0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852 ] =  0.01578= w ( 1 – 0.59 w
                                                                                  w = 0.015933
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.015933 ( 25 / 414) = 0.000962

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (2) :

@ M +ve  = 9.52 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2    

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (3) :

@ M +ve  = 5.49 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

ØNegative moments :

Support (2)

@ M -ve  = 19.3 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
19.3 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.088004286
                                = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                   w = 0.09312042

ρw (fc / fy) = 0.09312042 ( 25 / 414) = 0.00638

  As = ρ * b * d
       = 0.00638 * 120 * 285    = 218.196 mm2    

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Support (3)

@ M -ve  = 10.6 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
10.6 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.04833 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                                                           w = 0.049797
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.049797( 25 / 414) = 0.003007

ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
As = ρ * b * d
As   = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.63 mm2   

( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Design of Shear

Support (2)
                    =   0.85 * (25)0.5 * 120 * 285 / 6                                                                   
                       =  24.225 KN
Vu = 13.4 KN

       Ü          Vu < fVc
So that we use minimum reinforcement
Assume 2-leg Ø 8 mm (Av =101 mm2)
Min reinforcement must be used (Smax)

S= 3 * Av*fyv / b 
  =3 *101 *280 / 120 = 707 mm
S=0.75d=0.75*285=213.75 mm
Ü     Use 1 f 8 / 200 mm

Support (3)
                    =   0.85 * (25)0.5 * 120 * 285 / 6                                                                   
                       =  24.225 KN
Vu = 13.4 KN
         Ü        Vu < fVc
So that we use minimum reinforcement
Assume 2-leg Ø 8 mm (Av =101 mm2)
Min reinforcement must be used (Smax)

S= 3 * Av*fyv / b 
  =3 *101 *280 / 120 = 707 mm
S=0.75d=0.75*285=213.75 mm
Ü     Use 1 f 8 / 200 mm

Design Rib # 4 ( R4 ]

Length of the rib ( L) = 4.55—4.55—3.05 m  , Cover = 2.5 Cm = 25 mm , H = 31 Cm = 310 mm
D = H – cover   = 310 – 25 = 285 mm

Shear & Moment Diagram :

Span (1) :

@ M +ve  = 15.1 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
15.1 * 106 / [ 0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852 ] =  0.015889 = w ( 1 – 0.59 w
                                                                                  w = 0.016040
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.016040 ( 25 / 414) = 0.0009686

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
        As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (2) :

@M +ve = 9.44 KN.m

Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
 ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (3) :
@ M +ve  = 6.90 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
6.9 * 106 / [ 0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852 ] =  0.0072606 = w ( 1 – 0.59 w
                                         w = 0.0072919
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.0072919 ( 25 / 414) = 0.000440332

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

ØNegative moments :

Support (2)
@ M -ve  = 19.1 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
19.1 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.0870923 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                                                           w = 0.092096574
ρw (fc / fy) = 0.092096574 ( 25 / 414) = 0.005561387

  As = ρ * b * d
       = 0.005561387* 120 * 285    = 190.2 mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Support (3)

@ M -ve  = 11.3 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
11.3 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.0515258 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                          w = 0.0531953
ρ =  w (fc / fy) = 0.0531953 ( 25 / 414) = 0.0032122
ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel

  As = ρ * b * d
       = 0.0033818* 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2   
(  use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Design of Shear

                                                 Support (2)
                    =   0.85 * (25)0.5 * 120 * 285 / 6                                                                   
                       =  24.225 KN
Vu = 14.2 KN
Vu < fVc
So that we use minimum reinforcement
Assume 2-leg Ø 8 mm (Av =101 mm2)
Min reinforcement must be used (Smax)
S= 3 * Av*fyv / b 
  =3 *101 *280 / 120 = 707 mm
S=0.75d=0.75*285=213.75 mm
Use 1 f 8 / 200 mm

                                          Support (3)
                    =   0.85 * (25)0.5 * 120 * 285 / 6                                                                   
                       =  24.225 KN
Vu = 14.2 KN
Vu < fVc
So that we use minimum reinforcement
Assume 2-leg Ø 8 mm (Av =101 mm2)
Min reinforcement must be used (Smax)
S= 3 * Av*fyv / b 
  =3 *101 *280 / 120 = 707 mm
S=0.75d=0.75*285=213.75 mm
Use 1 f 8 / 200 mm

Design Rib # 5 ( R5 ]

Length of the rib ( L) = 4.55—3.05 m  , Cover = 2.5 Cm = 25 mm , H = 31 Cm = 310 mm
D = H – cover   = 310 – 25 = 285 mm

Shear & Moment Diagram :                                                              

Span (1) :

@ M +ve  = 15.1 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
15.1  * 106 / [ 0.9 * 25 * 520 * 2852 ] =  0.015884 = w ( 1 – 0.59 w
                                                                                  w = 0.0160409
ρw (fc / fy) = 0.0160409 ( 25 / 414) = 0.000968

      ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6  mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

Span (2) :

@ M +ve  = 5.17 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )

ρ < ρ min          so that we use minimum steel
      As = ρ * b * d
           = 0.003381 * 120 * 285    = 115.6 mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm)

ØNegative moments :

Support (2)

@ M -ve  = 16.9 KN . m
Mu  / Ф * fc  * b * d= w ( 1 – 0.59 w )
16.9 * 106 / [0.9 * 25 * 120 * 2852] = 0.0770607 = w (1 – 0.59 w
                                    w = 0.0809245
ρw (fc / fy) = 0.0809245( 25 / 414) = 0.004886

       = 0.004886 * 120 * 285    = 167.126 mm2    
( use 2 Ф 12 = 226  mm2  )

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